Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Twitter and "off-the-record"

I thought I'd just start a quick discussion.

In a recent pre-interview with CNBC, the president called Kanye West as a "jackass" for his recent antics at the Video Music Awards.

ABC's Terry Moran, who was watching at the time, twittered that the President called Kanye a jackass. ABC later apologized for the reporter publicizing comments that were "off the record".

What do people think?

For further reading:

ABC's apology:


Here's the TMZ audio:



  1. Personally, I thought it was unacceptable and unethical of ABC's Terry Moran to twitter Obama's off-the-record remark. As a professional journalist, he needs to be more careful. As a result of his blunder, I think less of him as a journalist--and ABC as a network.

    That said, I think Obama's remarks will not hurt him politically. Anyone who saw the video will agree that, frankly, Kanye acted like a jackass. In fact, I even read an article on the Huffington Post by Trey Ellis (for some reason I cannot copy and paste the link) wanting more 'human' outbursts from Obama.

  2. I don't follow journalists' twitters, but I'm surprised by the alleged comment that he posted, "Pres. Obama just called Kanye West a "jackass" for his outburst at VMAs when Taylor Swift won. Now THAT'S presidential." It is a very editorial remark. Do journalists ordinarily use their twitters like that and express their opinions and biases?
